Friday, February 29, 2008

The last day.........

That sounds rather ominous but it isn't of course as today is the last day of PEYEOYB day.

I wish I had something more special to blog than "popcorn" but that seems to be almost all I ate today besides one small bowl of fried mushrooms, onions , peppers and zucchini with goat cheese melted on top and a couple of glasses of greens and cups of tea and more popcorn! Tell me why "corn" is a grain and a vegetable because I don't understand that at all! Is that possible? I guess I could google that and find out but I will just live with not knowing for now.

So, ciao for now until next year!

I guess I do eat after all,

Nancy (I also talk to myself as obviously nobody is reading this blog)

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Here I am back home again......

Back to the routine of nuts and dates, raw and stewed and yes with yogurt and ground flaxseed on top. This covers breakfast for Wednesday and Thursday (today)

One big bag of microwave popcorn for supper (corn is a vegetable, right?) ha ha ha

2 glasses of greens (remember- spinach, bananas, apples, mango and pear thrown in the blender with water- check your teeth before leaving the house)

Plenty of tea

big stir fry with mushrooms, red pepper, tomatoes, zucchini and garlic

a bowl of ripples potato chips ( I have a craving for salty sometimes and chips are potatoes!)

I just had a very small bowl of homemade granola with no milk

New York City - 6 days of eating......

I can't really do every day so I will do the whole week at goes

2 bowls of pea soup from a great little deli in Manhattan on our way to Carnegie Hall ( I just noticed that I put this in already. I forgot that we had the internet for one day to do my term test. It is worth noting twice as I have never ordered two of anything from a restaurant before and the soup was that good and I was hungry but not for a burger, which is what they had lots of)

a free fruit/nut muffin from the Chelsea Hotel for breakfast on the subway

an incredible meal at New Leaf- a little restaurant near The Cloisters Medieval Park:
Organic greens salad with garlic olive oil and blue cheese and a Portobello mushroom wrap with red peppers and cheese

Breakfast at Leo House- a Catholic Hotel in downtown Manhattan: $7 porridge, stewed prunes, fruit cup, peeled orange, home fries, fruit bread , tea. I am stuffed!

A photographer friend of Henry's took us to Nobu (Robert De Niro's restaurant): If you google Nobu you can see a menu as I don't actually know what we ate but there were about 10 different plates with everything from edemame beans, salad with something brown and a really good sauce, tiny slices of fish and kobe beef just perfect for one bite with chopsticks, thinly sliced ginger etc. Amazing taste and very expensive although we didn't pay! Lucky us!

Another meal was at an Italian restaurant called Tramoni
Spinach salad with apples and walnuts
Bread with oil and balsamic vinegar for dipping
Gluten free fusilli pasta with primavera vegetables in a light fresh tomato sauce

and last but not least and not really last as it was on Saturday night and we left on Monday......

O'Neall"s for the CMG (classical music guide meet-up) another great restaurant and there were 15 people chatting away about classical music and NYC weather (cold)
We had baby greens salad with garlic olive oil (again)
fettucinni with grilled veggies and garlic sauce (whew, smelly me)
For dessert: fresh blueberries, raspberries and strawberries with clotted cream on the side and two tasty butter cookies YUM!

This is the last thing....... another fresh and stewed fruit breakfast at Leo House and then a train to catch......What a great week of eating and the classical music was great too!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Wenesday trip to NYC

We got on the train at 11- an hour late. The train trip was really relaxing although I studied all the way. I snacked on dates and almonds and ate an apple. We bought two small bags of chips on the train. chips sound like a bad food but really these ones were just potatoes, sunflower oil and salt. Try to find any takeout with that few ingredients. Not bad really.

Heading to Carnegie Hall to see an Alfred Brendel concert and we stopped in a little deli and I had 2 bowls of amazingly good pea soup. Freshly made croƻtons for the top. YUM!

Finished the day with a glass of greens that I hauled all the way from home. Dedicated.

We don't have internet after today for awhile so I will keep track and update later or at home next week.
Plan to have a New York Bagel today probably.

Trip to Kingston

Today Anna heads to Kingston to visit Julia and Hank and I head to Syracuse.

The day starts off with Em and Anna and I having lunch at a Viet-Thai restaurant. I had eggplant vermicelli. It was pretty good. Eggplant is so slimy but I do like the taste.
I snack on dates and almonds in the car on the way to Kingston and then have a 4 inch veggie sub at subway which I ate in 8 bites on the way to the 401. Had an apple in Syracuse.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Icy day....

very icy drive this morning that turned out not to be a drive because the road was closed. not a very good morning so not very hungry. made fettuccine for lunch with fresh mozzarella,butter and garlic sauce and cooked up mushrooms and onions and a squash to go with it. ate a little. Had a few nuts and dates. tea, tea, tea.

The Wedding>>>>

Nervous, nervous and excited because my niece, Jess is getting married at noon today and I have to give a speech, plus I am really looking forward to being there.

The ceremony was really nice and Jess and Justin looked amazing. Justin had a black suit with lime green vest and tie. Jess had a white wedding dress (ha ha) that looked really good on her and her hair was wonderful (good job, Andrea).

My speech went over really well, lots of compliments, so I am happy.

Brunch: I had a square of frittatta (Sue's name) or strata (Kate's name) with a whole bunch of pickles and a nice chewy piece of rye bread. I had a chocolate cupcake (from the famous Cake Box) for dessert.

After the wedding our family all came to our place and we ate salad and pizza and some amazing cookies that Angela made. I just had 1 piece of pesto veggie pizza and a couple of cookies. 2 glasses of greens throughout the day.